I help busy entrepreneurs take back control of their time and create a balanced lifestyle.

Every business is different and requires a unique approach and fresh thinking.


Let’s work together

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I bring strategic thinking and a good old dose of passion to the process.

Client Testimonials

  • 5
    If you have a digital business that you want to grow and scale but just can’t find enough hours in the day to make it happen then you need to hire Candace. Not only is she a systems & process building project management ninja who'll quickly streamline your digital business and teams, she'll also give you your time so you can finally focus on the activities that will grow your business and make you more money. But I must warn you, if you hire Candace, you need to be prepared to implement because she will hold you accountable and get $h1t done. After working with Candace for well over a year, I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend her to any digital entrepreneur that needs to get out of the hamster wheel they’re currently stuck in.
    Derek Gehl
    Project Ignite
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    I have no hesitation in recommending Candace, she is reliable, trustworthy and has the most amazing knack for organising people and things. She will increase your productivity, and if you have a team she will get the most out them through well thought-out systems. Do yourself a favour and get Candace to organise your life and business, you won’t regret it.
    Jocasta Norman
    I Need A Genie
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    Candace is one of a kind. Smart, organised and intuitive - she has the knack for knowing exactly what needs to be done and then she makes it happen. Every business owner needs a Candace!
    Kat Jarman
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    I’ve been working with Candace for the past 5 years and I can honestly say my business would not be where it is today without her. Her ability to manage any project with poise, forethought and determination is quite unique and I feel very fortunate to have her leading my team. Candace has exceptional skills that are not only specialist to the world of online business but transfer to practical, real world business processes. Thanks to Candace, I am able to successfully manage my business from any location on the planet. I have complete confidence in her exceptional ability to prioritise tasks, delegate effectively and personally manage all facets of my business.
    Matt Jones
    Property Resource Shop
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    Candace has been the backbone of Jennie Brown events for the past 6 years. The scope of her role has at times been unlimited - and has included looking after our wonderful clients, keeping the business and its systems running efficiently, and taking great care of me (and my extremely busy diary)! The finesse and grace with which Candace manages day-to-day tasks, along with complex events and engagements is unbeatable. If you're looking to partner with an extremely capable individual who will prove to be an asset to your business - I highly recommend working with her.
    Jennie Brown
    Jennie Brown Events
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    A major hurdle in growing our business from husband and wife "hobby business" to an automated money making machine was implementing systems to make our work more efficient. We also needed to get stuff out of our heads and into a system so we could employ staff and delegate clear tasks and expected outcomes. Candace was instrumental in cleaning out our unmanageable inbox, set up project management tools and implement processes to GET STUFF DONE. Candace has a knack for cutting though to what is important and creating step by step priorities to break a huge project into bite size chunks. She is our organisation and project management queen.
    Karen Moody
    Fish Smarter
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    As Director and CEO, I worked with Candace for many years at PropertyInvesting.com. While she officially carried the title of Executive Assistant, in reality she held together our whole administrative and operational divisions. Candace's encyclopaedic knowledge of office procedures, people skills and enthusiasm are unmatched. I have never met anyone with such enthusiasm for ‘the team', meticulous organizational skills and sheer ability to just 'get things done'. When I left things in Candace's hands, I was always at peace knowing it was safe and sorted. Candace has a keen eye for detail and the ability to juggle the needs and projects of many people at once. She truly invested her whole self into the work of everyone at our organisation, and in the company as a whole. It goes without saying that Candace was a huge asset and she will always come with my highest of praise and recommendation as a person and as a professional.
    Jeremy Thomas
    Elephant & Co
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    Since Candace began working for Midnight Music more than 12 months ago, she has managed to revolutionise the behind-the-scenes running of my daily business operations. Candace has streamlined existing systems and implemented new and improved procedures in almost all areas. With her top-level communication skills, I have the utmost confidence that my customers are looked after in the best possible way. Candace is organised, motivated, professional and demonstrates attention to detail in everything she does. Above all, she uses her initiative to solve problems and suggest improvements and is a huge asset to my business. I can highly recommend Candace.
    Katie Wardrobe
    Midnight Music